mercoledì 14 ottobre 2009

Tuttorial #4. The Intentional Stance. Heider & Simmel's film

In the mid 1940s, Fritz Heider and Mary-Ann Simmel produced a short film animation.
They asked observers to describe what they saw in the film.
Most subjects spontaneously took the itnetnional stance...
They developed elaborate stories about the circle and the little triangle being in love, about the big-bad grey triangle trying to steal away the circle, about the blue triangle fighting back, yelling to his love to escape into the house, and following her inside where they embraced and lived happily ever after.

You can see the film on youtube. HERE
How would you describe what is going on there?

1 commento:

  1. A species (evolved from monkeys communicating in a language that emerged as a result of trying to convey where the good fruit is) uses common parlance and shared memes to personify abstract geometric shapes, relating them to a generally shared reality in an attempt to get across thier point.

    They could achieve the same end (more accurately) using numbers and referential axes, but it is likely that most of their peers would look at them like a dog who's just been shown a card trick.
